Courses, Free Textbooks, Informative Articles, and a Free L/E Educational Series

Most of the items below are available for download. The Clinician’s L/E Series will be available in early 2025.

The program consists of one course and it includes one text pdf file and answer sheet. You can take as long necessary to complete the course and you can take the course as often as necessary.

The course content addresses California law and APTA Ethical Standards as they apply to physical therapy practice.

This program is accepted by the Board of Physical Therapy and over 150 applicants have completed the course successfully.

Passing the course with a score of 70%, allows me to send copies of the certificates directly to Ms. Gutierrez at the Board. You will also receive copies.

Upon paying for the course I will email you the complete package. You can find the course at

I look forward to sending you the program.


This educational resource provides important information addressing “how” to apply legal and ethical guidelines to clinical practice. Clinicians are taught the content (“THE WHAT”) of law and ethics in clinical practice. However, the safe application (“THE HOW”) is usually omitted.


Should clinicians face a malpractice or Board legal action, the best protective measure is having appropriate patient records that meet the Standard of Careand address “how” the clinician determined the application of applicable legal standards to clinical challenges.


I invite you to read the developing series as I add new content.


Dr. Grosso

2 hour Law & Ethics CEU Course for Physical Therapists

These 2-hour L&E CE Courses for physical therapists address difficult challenges that arise in clinical practice. If unmanned appropriately, the clinician could face malpractice and/or Board action.


NOTE: This book will cease to be available in print form after 5/1/22.

You can download this free book using the “Download” button.

NOTE: This book lacks a chapter on addressing Domestic Abuse. To obtain this additional information that pertains to CA law, email Dr. Grosso ( and request a complimentary copy of this information.

NOTENOTE: This book will cease to be available in print form after 8/1/22.

You can download this free book using the “Download” button.

NOTE: This book lacks a chapter on addressing Domestic Abuse. To obtain this additional information that pertains to CA law, email Dr. Grosso ( and request a complimentary copy of this information.

COMPLETE APPLICATIONS OF L&E FOR CA LMFTs (2021 Edition)© – To obtain a free copy, go to “DOWNLOAD”

NOTE: This book will cease to be available in print form after 5/1/22.

You can download this free book using the “Download” button.

NOTE: This book lacks a chapter on addressing Domestic Abuse. To obtain this additional information that pertains to CA law, email Dr. Grosso ( and request a complimentary copy of this information.

COMPLETE APPLICATIONS OF L&E FOR CA LPCCs (2021 Edition)© - To obtain a free copy, go to "DOWNLOAD"

NOTE: This book will cease to be available in print form after 5/1/22.

You can download this free book using the “Download” button.

NOTE: This book lacks a chapter on addressing Domestic Abuse. To obtain this additional information that pertains to CA law, email Dr. Grosso ( and request a complimentary copy of this information.

THE ART of WRITING MENTAL HEALTH RECORDS© - To obtain a free copy, go to "DOWNLOAD"

NOTE: This book will cease to be available in print form after 5/1/22.

You can download this free book using the “Download” button.


TREATMENT PLANNI NG MADE EASY © - To obtain a free copy, go to "DOWNLOAD"

NOTE: This book will cease to be available in print form after 5/1/22.

You can download this free book using the “Download” button.